Collection: Angela Ciampagna

10 منتجات

Nestled in the hills of Central Italy, the little village of Atri is home to an artisanal family-run company where the brand Angela Ciampagna Alta Profumeria Artigianale, the house of fine unisex perfumes, was established in 2011. The brand's creative and artistic spirit is still present in the perfumes made in Tenerife, one of Spain's Canary Islands, where careful research is conducted before production begins.


Angela Ciampagna fragrances consider every ingredient to be premium, natural, and primarily sourced from Atri. Aromas presented by Angela Ciampagna are reflected as artisanal and handcrafted, with a focus on the natural ingredients used in the process. The goal is to create perfumes of absolute worth, allowing scents to combine artisanal techniques, research, and careful raw material selection.