Collection: Fragrance Du Bois

3 منتجات

Born from the purest essences of nature, Fragrance Du Bois is an exclusive perfume house created by fifth-generation perfumers from the 17th-century French tradition of Grasse. The essence of every Fragrance Du Bois creation lies in its signature oud, which is both distinctive and one-of-a-kind, radiating the height of luxury. Less than 7% of Aquilaria trees in the wild have resin, which is the source of oud. The wood is dark and sticky. Because of illicit logging, wild resources have been greatly depleted, making pure oud exceedingly valuable. Since 2004, the CITES convention has protected all Aquilaria tree species. Every scent has 100 percent sustainable, pure oud that is grown on the Fragrance Du Bois plantations.